Custom made








Concept on paper

Once a concept has been decided upon, a sketch is then drafted to provide a visual with how your timepiece will look. Every detail is illustrated to show the fine combination of art and technology. After which, prototyping will take place which may take a few weeks to ensure the customization process will go smoothly.

From a spark of an idea, a spirit of creativity, each and every concept is quintessential. Our goal is to make sure that what starts out as an imagination, a dream is conceptualized and made into reality.

Concept in Process








After the initial sketch, a number of concepts will be offered, each design carefully constructed and fashioned to the highest standards to ensure the quality of work that will exceed your standards.


Our in-house artisans meticulously inspect each and every piece and part during the customization, this specific period is conceptualizing the prototype for the final modification.


At the end of the final modifications and detailed quality control testing, a prototype is made. Your Skeleton Concept bespoke comes with its own certificate of authenticity and international warranty.


Skeleton Concept is an atelier that specializes in watch customization, as such, we neither manufacture and/or sell timepieces. Our customizations are made in full confidence staying true to the essence of the brand manufacturers that house the watches that are provided to us for enhancements. Any brands mentioned or shown on the website are for reference purposes only. Skeleton Concept assures the integrity of the work and modifications made on behalf of our clients and their timepieces. Any our customizations are provided for personal and private use only.